Father, in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare:
That my spirit man is clad with the armour of the Lord and the armour of light. That your kingdom is my priority and Your assignment is my pleasure. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on the earth as it is in heaven. I function and conduct my life’s affairs according to Your original plan and purpose for me. I walk in Your timing. You are the one true God, who makes everything work together and who works all things for good through your most excellent harmonies. Cause my will to work in perfect harmony with yours. Evil shall not come near my dwelling, since I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I cause demonic, destiny-altering activities to cease. I take hold of the ends of the earth and shake evil out of its place. I break evil and inappropriate thought patterns in my mind. I speak peace into my life, relationships, ministry, work place and business. Everything that is misaligned I command to come into divine alignment. I have the mind of Christ and therefore seek things above and not beneath. I ascend into new realms of power and authority and access new dimensions of divine revelation. I will not backslide or look back into old ways, old methodologies, or old strategies unless directed by you to do so.
I wear the helmet of salvation to protect my mind from negative thoughts that would derail your purposes and plans for me. Truth protects my integrity, righteousness protects my reputation, the gospel of peace guides my every step, the shield of faith secures my future and destiny, and the sword of the Spirit grants me dominion and authority. I decree and declare a prophetic upgrading of my thought life. I cancel the effect of negative, self-defeating thought processes and patterns and put them under my feet. I possess a kingdom paradigm, which grants me new ways of thinking, new ways of working, and new ways of living. New cycles of victory, success, and prosperity will replace old cycles of failure, poverty, and death in my life. I now have a new, refreshed, cutting-edge kingdom mentality. At Your Word, as a kingdom trailblazer, I pioneer new territory. Everything that pertains to my life and godliness and everything prepared for me before the foundation of the world must be released in its correct time and season. I command everything to be released in Jesus’ Name.
I declare that there will be no substitutes, setbacks, holdups and no delays. Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, I shall neither stumble nor fall. I am excited; my spirit is ignited; I walk in favour with God and man. I am a success- oriented individual, and everything I touch turns to prophetic gold. I am a successful business owner- and entrepreneur who provides good jobs to others. Today I am blessed, there is no lack, all my needs are met, I am out of debt, and I have more than enough to give over and above all my needs. All financial doors are opened, and financial channels are free. Endless bounty comes to me. Sufficient is Your provision for today. I am healed and Spirit filled; sickness and disease are far from me. I have buying power on my dollar, and I live in prosperity. I confess that I only progress; I experience no setbacks and live a life filled with success. I will persist until I succeed.
I walk in dominion and authority. My life is characterized by liberty. There is no slackness in my hand. Where I stand, God gives me the land. The blessings of the Lord make me rich, and I am daily loaded with benefits. I am living my most blessed and best days now. I am crowned with God’s love and mercy. With all good things He satisfies me. My home is a haven of peace. I do my work unto the Lord with diligence and in the spirit of excellence. My home, business, departments, and ministries function smoothly and efficiently. The Lord gives me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as to how to do my work more effectively, professionally, and accurately. The Lord gives me all the right people to work with and for me. Together we work as unto the Lord. Relationships will come to me that are assigned to enhance my life and ministry for this season. I call forth every individual and resource assigned to assist me in the fulfillment of my kingdom assignment during this season. I attract only the things, thoughts, people, and resources suitable to undergird and facilitate God’s original plan and purpose for my life. I am favoured by all who know me, meet me, work with me, and have any kind of formal or informal relationship with me.
I will work with You as my partner. I work according to Your daily agenda and perform for an audience of one- the Lord Jesus Christ. My work is my worship. You are teaching me how to improve my productivity- to work smarter and more efficiently. I always function with an outstanding attitude and produce superior work. You empower me to make positive and significant deposits into other people’s lives. I seek divine opportunities and occasions to help others succeed. I maximize my potential and move boldly toward my destiny. I am a purpose-driven, kingdom-principled, success-oriented individual, and I refuse to be distracted by insignificant things and people. Let favour, well wishes, ambassadorial courtesies, kindness, and support be extended to me by all who are assigned to me, meet me, know me, and interact with me. I do not procrastinate. I act now, without hesitation, anxiety, or fear. I excel in all things, at all times, with all people, under every circumstance. I will judge nothing and no one prematurely. I celebrate Your creativity in the diversity of ethnicities, nationalities, and humanity. I am fruitful. I have power to gain wealth. Wherever I go, systems, institutions, cultures, environments, legislation, codes, ordinances, regulations, and policies adjust to accommodate my divine purpose. I am adaptable and flexible and make needed adjustments. I am in the perfect place for You to bless me. My relationships are fruitful and mutually beneficial. I am celebrated and loved by all who come in contact with me. Everything about me is changing for the best. I am healthy and physically fit. Sickness and disease are far from me. My mind is fortified and resolute. My emotions are sound and stable. My faith is steadfast and unfaltering. The zeal of the Lord fills my soul and spirit.
Let there be no demonic encroachment. Let there be no satanic squatters- in the name of Jesus, get off my property, get off my territory, get out of my sphere of influence, get out of my family, get out of my relationships, get out of my finances, get out of my body, and get out of my mind. I command mountains to be removed and to be cast into the sea. I am gaining new territories: new emotional territory, new intellectual territory, new business territory, new spiritual territory, new ministerial territory, and new financial territory.
Father, I wait to see Your finished product. I look forward to the day that I will be transformed into the image of Your dear Son. My heart’s deepest desire is to be like Him. I seal these declarations in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask or imagine, according to the power that works in me; to Him that is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, and to sustain my body, soul, and spirit; to the almighty God my heavenly Father, the King eternal, immortal, invisible- the only wise God- be honour and glory forever and ever.
Hallelujah! Amen!!